is a multifacedted seasoned professional who is an entrepreneur evangelist, serial enterpreneur. business & stragegy consultant, coach, social missionary, and an author. He has devoted his life to helping people and organizations invovate samartly and achieve high growth targets.
In 1999, Azhar set up the first venture which grew from 2 to 42 persons in a short span of 18 months. The venture failed during the 2001 dotcom crash. Using lessons learned, he set up another company, which by 2002 had become the biggest Pakistan’s BPO in the tech sector of the country. The 1,500+ person company served 200 cities to large banking networks in 800 cities, town, and villages, and also provided specialized applications development and deployment services for major organizations like HBL, UBL, Emirates Bank, and Several other leading Organizations etc.
In 1999, Azhar set up the first venture which grew from 2 to 42 persons in a short span of 18 months. The venture failed during the 2001 dotcom crash. Using lessons learned, he set up another company,which by 2002 had become the biggest Pakistan’s BPO in the tech sector of the country. The 1,500+ person company served 200 cities to large banking networks in 800 cities, town, and villages, and also provided specialized applications development and deployment services for major organizations like HBL, UBL, Emirates Bank, and Several other leading Organizations etc.
Azhar also pays an active part in philanthropic and social circles. He is very active in Rotary Pakistan for the past 22 years. As part of Rotary, he has implemented several key initiatives. Some of the major technology enablement projects include Civil Hospital Automation, Karachi Jail Inmate ERP, Disaster Management through 15 Telemedicine Centers in KPK and Azad Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Cloud Based Disaster Reponse system during 2010 floods Establishing Daisy reading system for the blind education centers in Pakistan. Served the Board of Advisors
Azhar has authored the book, “Entrepreneuring Pakistan- 27 stories of struggle, failure, and success”. The book celebrates the triumphs and highlights the challenges of 27 mentee organizations, who have achieved success. These companies in the technology, social, research and education sectors have broken the barriers and achieved exponential 10X+ growth per annum.